Like Duke Nukem Forever and Guns N’Roses’ Chinese Democracy, I did not think that a remake of Square’s wildly popular Final Fantasy VII would ever be remade. The cards were stacked against it in many ways. It would be too expensive to bring the PlayStation classic to current generation graphic fidelity. The game would be changed too much that nostalgia poisoned gamers will pick at the carcass to the bone. Square’s time and money would be better spent on new IP or sequels to current IP. But all of those points don’t seem to be an issue for Square any longer.
To be perfectly honest I am excited for this remake. I was very skeptical of it from the beginning hence why I was pleasantly surprised when it was announced at E3 2015. We’ve been teased first with the cinematic demo on the PS3 and trolled with the original FFVII being released on PlayStation 4. Thousands of fanboys and girls cried in anger, pain, and frustration while holding onto their last shred of lingering faith. Their prayers have been finally answered. Since it’s coming out (probably not for several years) I’ll go ahead and list what I want to see in the remake of Final Fantasy VII.
Eliminate Random Encounters

Allow Combat Skipping
There should be a way to skip battles that are too easy or too hard and frustrating. Even if the enemies scale in level with the Player, any fight that would be a complete cakewalk should be an automatic win if the encounter happens. This should be handled in a way that was done in Earthbound. If the Player was sufficiently high in level then the enemy would be automatically beaten and all the experience points, loot, and money will be given to the Player. For story based battles that would prove to be frustrating for a Player there should be the ability to skip it and progress with the story. Maybe add some hints or perks if the Player has attempted a few times and allow a complete skip of the battle if she chooses. In the interest of fairness, I think that some percentage of experience points should be doled out. I really wouldn’t want to spend time to grind up my characters just because a fight is too difficult in a story related encounter. Optional battles shouldn’t have that option.
Keep the Humor

Drop the Stereotypes

These are just some of the points that I want in the remake and there are still plenty of questions that I have about the game. How will combat be implemented? Will it be real-time or turn-based? Will all the mini-games be present? What side quests will be added and what will be dropped? Will Materia be different in anyway? What story elements will be changed especially in light of the additional games and movies set in the FFVII universe being released? I have a feeling that there will be so much changed in the game that it’ll essentially be a brand new game with characters from Final Fantasy VII. Now that I know a remake is in development maybe that could be a sliver of hope that Necrophagist’s new album is in some state of development as well. Who am I kidding? That album has about as much chance of being released as Half-Life 3 being confirmed!
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